Premna sps

Scientific Name :
Premna sps

Common Name : Singkel, Sarunai
Plant Family : Lamiaceae
Habit : Shrub

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: May to November
Flower Colour : Greenish White
Description : Height: Upto 8 m
Stem: Brownish grey, pubescent when young
Leaves: Simple, elliptical, decussate opposite, base round, margins entire or slightly undulate, glabrous above and pubescent below.
Flower: Bracteate, bisexual, sepals 5 toothed and lipped, corolla infundibuliform
Inflorescence: Terminal corymbose, branched dichtomously, greenish white, stamens didynamous
Fruits: Drupes, globose, purple

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : CH
Distribution Range : E. Africa, W. Indian Ocean, Tropical & Subtropical Asia to Pacific.
Uses : It is used in treating cancer, diabetes, obesity.
It can be consumed as new vegetable and used in herbal drinks.