Scientific Name :
Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.
Synonym :
Dalbergia emarginata Roxb.
Amerimnon latifolium (Roxb.) Kuntze
Common Name : Black Rosewood, Kala-shisham, Kalarukh.
Plant Family : Fabaceae – Papilionaceae
Habit : Tree
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : August to December
Flower Colour : Creamy white
Description : Height: 15 to 20 m
Stem: Bark ash grey
Leaves: Elliptical, oblong, emarginate , leaflets 3 to 9, imparipinnate
Flowers: White, small, petals clawed, stamens 9, monadelphous
Inflorescence: Axillary panicles
Fruits: Pods, flat, 4 to 7 cm, 1 to 4 seeded, oblong, oblanceolate
Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : VT, TL
Distribution Range : Indian Subcontinent, Andaman Islands, Jawa.
Uses : Timber wood plant used in making furnitures
Ornamental products obtained