Gossypium arboreum L …

Scientific Name :
Gossypium arboreum L.

Gossypium albiflorum Tod.
Gossypium anomalum G.Watt

Common Name : Cotton, Kapas
Plant Family : Malvaceae
Habit : Shrub

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: February to Arpril
Flower Colour : Pinkish white
Description : Height: 1 to 3 m
Stem: Young branhes purple, pubescent
Leaves: Palmately lobed
Flower: Solitary, axillary, terminal, epicalyx toothed, staminal tube
Inflorescence: Cymose
Fruit: Capsule, enclosed by calyx, presence of white woolly hairs.

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : HN
Distribution Range : India, Sri Lanka.
Uses : It is used in treatment of headache and snake bite.