Scientific Name :
Grevillea robusta A.Cunn. ex R.Br.
Synonym :
Grevillea umbratica A.Cunn. ex Meisn.
Grevillea venusta A.Cunn. ex Meisn.
Common Name : Silver Oak
Plant Family : Proteaceae
Habit : Tree
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : March to May
Flower Colour : Orange red
Description : Height: Upto 35 m
Stem: Grey, deeply cracked, stands erect and straight
Leaves: Leaf 15 to 30 cm, linear, lobbed, dark uppersurface, below white
Flowers: Rachis 10 to 15 cm, orange red
Inflorescence: Panicles
Fruits: Follicle, 2 seeded, seeds winged
Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : HN, JM, VT, TL
Distribution Range : New South Wales, Queensland
Uses : Ornamental plant cultivated in gardens and road side