Kigelia africana (La …

Scientific Name :
Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth.

Kigelia pinnata (Jacq.) DC.
Bignonia africana Lam.

Common Name : Sausage Tree, Balam khira
Plant Family : Bignoniaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: March to July
Flower Colour : Red
Description : Height: Upto 20 m
Stem: Brown, woody
Leaves: Elliptical, oblong, oposite leaflets, imparipinnate, sessile leaflets
Flowers: Showy, large, calyx gamosepalous 2 to 5 lobed campanulate, petals red joint at base and spreading above, pedicels long hanging like rope, stamens 4, 2 carpels, many ovules, stigma 2 lobes
Inflorescence: Racemose
Fruits: Large, hanging in groups of 2 or 3, looks like cucumber

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : CH, TL, VT
Distribution Range : Africa
Uses : Avenue tree planted in gardens and on road sides