Magnolia champaca (L …

Scientific Name :
Magnolia champaca (L.) Baill. ex Pierre

Michelia champaca L.

Common Name
: Champa, Champa, Pivalu champa.
Plant Family : Magnoliaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: March to July
Flower Colour : Yellow
Description : Height: Upto 25 m
Stem: Grey, lenticels and milky latex present
Leaves: Elliptical, lanceolate, oblong, apex acuminate, stipulate, 6 to 20 cm, petioles 3 cm, alternate, margins undulate
Flowers: Solitary, yellow fragrant, unitary calyx opening into 2/3  valvate sepals, petals white turning yellow at maturity, petals lanceolate
Inflorescence: Solitary cyme
Fruits: Follicles 2 cm, grey, oblong, 1 seeded reddish brown

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : CH
Distribution Range : S. India to S. Central China and Lesser Sunda Islands.
Uses : Used as purgative, and the flowers and fruits are used as carminative
It is also used as ornamental tree