Millingtonia hortens …

Scientific Name :
Millingtonia hortensis L. f.

Bignonia hortensis (L.f.) Oken
Millingtonia dubiosa Span.

Common Name : Indian cork tree, Neem chameli, Akash chameli
Plant Family : Bignoniaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: September to December
Flower Colour : White
Description : Height: Upto 35 m
Stem: Tall, straight, brown and corky
Leaves: Bipinnate, imparipinnate,  leaflets opposite, ovate, lanceolate, serrate, acute apex, dark green
Flowers: Calyx campanulate, corolla 5 lobed, corolla tube long, flowers fragrant, stamens didynamous, monocarpellary, many ovules, stigma bilobed
Inflorescence: Panicles of raceme
Fruits: Capsule, flat, seeds with wings

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : HN, CH, VT
Distribution Range : S. Central China to Malesia.
Uses : It is highly effective in curing lung diseases, bronchitis, food poisoning
It is also an ornamental tree.