Plumeria filifolia G …

Scientific Name :
Plumeria filifolia Griseb.

Plumeria stenophylla Urb.

Common Name
: Cuban Frangipani.
Plant Family : Apocynaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: January to December
Flower Colour : White
Description : Height: Upto 5 m
Stem: White, white milky latex
Leaves: Oblanceolate, dark green above, pale green below, apex obtuse or rounded, crowded at stem apex
Flowers: Calyx 5 and gamosepalous, corolla 5 oblanceolate, corolla base joint free above yellow at the centre
Inflorescence: Cymose

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : VT
Distribution Range : Plumeria filifolia
Uses : It is an ornamental plant