Scientific Name :
Tabebuia rosea (Bertol.) Bertero ex A.DC.
Synonym :
Tecoma rosea Bertol.
Tecoma mexicana Mart. ex DC.
Common Name : Pink trumpet tree, Basant rani
Plant Family : Bignonaceae
Habit : Tree
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : January to April
Flower Colour : Pink
Description : Height: 10 to 15 m
Stem: Greyish, rough
Leaves: Digitate, 5 leaflets unequal, elliptical, acuminate apex, petiole pulvinate
Flowers: Calyx greenish, petals infundibuliform crisped lobed, staminode present. ovary bilocular, many ovules, style long stigma bifid
Inflorescence: Corymbose
Fruits: Capsule, seeds white and winged
Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : TL
Distribution Range : Mexico to Ecuador.
Uses : It is used for treating fevers, malaria, cutaneous infections and stomach disorders.
It is used as timber.