Scientific Name :
Acalypha wilkesiana Müll.Arg.

Acalypha illustris Pax & K.Hoffm.
Acalypha godseffiana Mast.

Common Name : Joseph’s coat, Fire-dragon, Copperleaf
Plant Family : Euphorbiaceae
Habit : Shrub

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: January to December
Flower Colour : Reddish
Description : Height: Upto 3 m
Stem: Erect, pubescent
Leaves: Alternate, chordate, variegated with yellowish and reddish patches irregularly present
Flowers: Reddish colour
Inflorescence : Catkin
Fruits: Capsules

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : TL
Distribution Range : Bismarck Archipelago to SW. Pacific.
Uses : Used as ornamental plant due to variegated leaves
Leaves used in skin treatment