Scientific Name :
Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br.

Echites scholaris L.
Alstonia kurzii Hook.f.

Common Name : Devil tree, Chitvan, Saptaparni
Plant Family : Apocynaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: Dec – March, May – July
Flower Colour : Greenish white
Description : Height: 10 to 12 m
Stem: Bark grey, rough, milky latex oozes when injured
Leaves: In whorls of 4 to 7 leaves, 10 to 20 cm, coriaceous, obovate, shining
Flowers: Fragrant, bracteate, peduncles upto 5cm, short pedicels, corolla mouth hairy
Inflorescence: Umbellate cymes
Fruits: Follicles cylindrical, 30 to 60 cm

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : HN, CH
Distribution Range : Tropical & Subtropical Asia to N. Australia.
Uses : Bitter fruits used in treatments of intestine worms
Planted in gardens as ornamental tree
Avenue tree