Scientific Name :
Araucaria columnaris (G.Forst.) Hook.

Araucaria excelsa (Lamb.) R.Br.
Columbea excelsa (Lamb.) Spreng.

Common Name : Christmas tree, Columnar Araucaria, Cook’s Pine
Plant Family : Auracariaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
Flower Colour
: It is conifer
Height: Upto 60 m
Stem: Erect, many short shoot arising from the main stem, plant appearing conical shape, stem brown, rough, scaly and resinous
Many overlapping leaves covers the branches in spirally manner
Leaves: Tiny, young leaves needle like, older leaves triangular shape
Cones: Cones cylindrical, male cones oblong 5 to 10 cm, female cones egg shaped 10 to 15 cm long

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : HN
Distribution Range : SE. New Caledonia (incl. Îs. Loyauté).
Uses : Planted in gardens as ornamental plant
Seeds known to be consumed
Used as an indicator for environmental management