Scientific Name :
Bauhinia racemosa Lam.
Synonym :
Bauhinia racemosa Vahl
Bauhinia parviflora Vahl
Common Name : Burmese Silk Orchid, Gurial, Apta
Plant Family : Fabaceae – Caesalpinaceae
Habit : Tree
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : May to June
Flower Colour : Off white
Description : Height: Upto 5 m
Stem: Crooked
Leaves: Simple, divided into two lobes, dorsal surface light green, ventral white and hairy, base cordate, leaves thick
Flowers: Breacteate,calyx hairy, corolla oblanceolate, anthers black stamens 10, ovary hairy
Inflorescence:Terminal raceme
Fruit:Pods upto 15 cm, cylindrical, woody, 10 to 12 seeded
Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : HN, CH, JM, VT, TL
Distribution Range : Indian Subcontinent to China (Yunnan) and Indo-China.
Uses : Leaves and gums have medicinal value
Leaves are pickled