Bixa orellana L

Scientific Name :
Bixa orellana L

Bixa americana Poir.
Bixa purpurea Sweet

Common Name : Lipstick tree, Latkan, Sendri
Plant Family : Bixaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: August to September
Flower Colour : Pink or White
Description : Height: 2 to 8 m
Stem: Fissured with cream streaks
Leaves: Ovate, subcordate at base
Flowers: Sepals 5, petals pink or white
Inflorescence: Panicle
Fruit: Capsule, spinous

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : CH, TL
Distribution Range : Mexico to S. Tropical America.
Uses : Crushed leaves and sap from bark is used to cure skin rashes
Used as colouring in cosmetics
Decoction prepared from bark is used in treatment of asthma, malaria and angina