Scientific Name :
Buchanania cochinchinensis (Lour.) M.R.Almeida
Synonym :
Buchanania latifolia Roxb.
Buchanania lanzan Spreng.
Common Name : Chironji Tree, Char
Plant Family : Anacardiaceae
Habit : Tree
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : January to March
Flower Colour : Greenish white
Description : Height: Upto 18 m
Stem: Dark brown or black, rough, deep cracking seen in older plants
Leaves: Oblong, coriaceous, bubescent below, older leaves midrib turns reddish brown
Flowers: Sessile, calyx 5 lobed and persistent, petals 5, ovary 5
Inflorescence: Axillary panicles
Fruits:Drupe, black, hard stone like, one seeded
Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : JM, TL
Distribution Range : Indian Subcontinent to China (S. Yunnan) and Indo-China.
Uses : Seeds consumed and used in preparing sweets
Seeds used as tonic for brain