Scientific Name :
Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.
Synonym :
Erythrina monosperma Lam.
Butea frondosa Roxb. ex Willd.
Common Name : Flame of the forest, Bastard Teak, Palas
Plant Family : Fabaceae
Habit : Tree
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : February to April
Flower Colour : Orange
Description : Height: 10 to 18 m
Stem: Crooked, brown or light grey
Leaves: Trifoliate, Leaflets 10 to 20 cm, coriaceous, obovate, terminal leaf bigger
Flowers: Papillionaceous corolla, calyx black green, stamens 10 and diadelphous
Inflorescence: Raceme, upto 15 cm long
Fruit: Pod, thin and flat 10 to 20 cm
Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : HN, CH, JM, VT, TL
Distribution Range : Indian Subcontinent to China (SW. Guangxi, Yunnan) and Indo-China.
Uses : Gum exudates used in treatment of diarrhea and dysentery
Yellow dye is obtained from flowers