Carrica papaya L.

Scientific Name :
Carrica papaya L.

Carica citriformis Jacq.
Carica mamaya Vell.

Common Name : Papaya, Papita, Pappayi
Plant Family : Caricaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: January to December
Flower Colour : White
Description : Height: Upto 10 m
Stem: White grey, soft, unbranched
Leaves: Palmate, petioles long, spirally arrange
Flowers: Unisexual or bisexual, male flower calyx 5, corolla 5, diadelphous female flowers in clusters or solitary
Inflorescence: Racemose
Fruit: Berrry, fleshy many black seeds

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : HN
Distribution Range : S. Mexico to Venezuela.
Uses : Fruits eaten when ripe or unripea
Leaves useful in dengue fever to increase blood platelets