Category: Plant Form


Various other Succulents and Climbers species recorded from Pune hills are 8 [the-post-grid id="5238" title="Climbers"]


Various other Succulents and Climbers species recorded from Pune hills are 8 [the-post-grid id="5236" title="Succulents"]


Various Bamboos species recorded from Pune hills are 22 [the-post-grid id="5234" title="Bamboo"]


Various Shrub species recorded from Pune hills are 85 [the-post-grid id="5232" title="Shrubs"]


Various Tree species recorded from Pune hills are 193 [the-post-grid id="5230" title="Trees"]

Albizzia Durazz

Scientific Name : Albizzia Durazz Synonym : Common Name : Plant Family : Fabaceae Habit…

Caesalpinia Plum. ex …

Scientific Name : Caesalpinia Plum. ex. L Synonym : Common Name : Plant Family :…

Hibiscus sabdariffa …

Scientific Name : Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Synonym : Hibiscus digitatus Cav. Hibiscus fraternus L. Common…

Ipomoea hederifolia …

Scientific Name : Ipomoea hederifolia L. Synonym : Mina hederifolia (L.) Bello Ipomoea coccinea Willd.…

Dracaena angolensis …

Scientific Name : Dracaena angolensis (Welw.ex Carrière) Byng & Christenh Synonym : Sansevieria livingstoniae Rendle…