Scientific Name :
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don

Ammocallis rosea (L.) Small
Vinca rosea L.

Common Name : Periwinkle, Sadabahar, Sadaphuli
Plant Family : Apocynaceae
Habit : Shrub

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: January to December
Flower Colour : Purple
Description : Height: Upto 3 m
Stem: Much branched, bubescent, milky latex
Leaves: Simple, opposite decussate, obovate or ovate
Flowers: Cyclic, rosey purple, sepals 5 tubular, petals 5 hypocrateriform, stamens 5, epipetalous, anthers sagittate, bicarpellary, ovules many, stigma capitate
Inflorescence: Cymose, solitary axillary or dichasial cyme
Fruits: Follicles

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : VT, TL
Distribution Range : Madagascar
Uses : Useful in herbal remedy for hypertension, irregular menstruation and diabetes
Planted in gardens as ornamental plant