Scientific Name :
Corchorus olitorius L.
Synonym :
Corchorus lanceolatus G.Don
Corchorus malchairii De Wild.
Common Name : Nalta Jute, Pat, Motichhunchh.
Plant Family : Malvaceae
Habit : Herb
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : September to November
Flower Colour : Yellow
Description : Height: Upto 2 m
Stem: Cylindrical, reddish and glabrous
Leaves: Ovate, elliptical, lanceolate, serrate margin, acute to acumninate apex, alternate
Flowers: Sepals 5 yellowish green, petals 5 yellow, sepals alternating with petals, stamens many, ovary hairy, ovary 5 chambers, style short, stigma 5 lobed
Fruits: Capsule, solitary or in pairs, straight or slightly curved, upto 8 cm long, seeds black
Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : VT, TL
Distribution Range : Tropical & Subtropical Old World.
Uses : Leaves used to cure tumour, piles, dysentery and leaves also used as tonic