Scientific Name :
Cordia sinensis Lam.
Synonym :
Cordia angustifolia Roxb.
Cordia reticulata Roth
Common Name : Long-Leaf Cordia, Gondni
Plant Family : Boraginaceae
Habit : Tree
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : March to June
Flower Colour : White
Description : Height: Upto 8 m
Stem: Grey
Leaves: Oblanceolate, round apex
Flowers: Calyx 4 to 5 lobed, corolla 4, stamens 4, ovary 4 celled, style terminal
Inflorescence: Cymose
Fruits: Drupe, yellow to reddish brown, ovoid
Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : CH
Distribution Range : Cordia sinensis Lam.
Uses : Fruits pickled and eaten.