Scientific Name :
Euphorbia antiquorum L.
Synonym :
Euphorbia mayuranathanii Croizat
Tithymalus antiquorus (L.) Moench
Common Name : Ancient Euphorbia, Fleshy Spurge
Plant Family : Euphorbiaceae
Habit : Shrub
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : August to December
Flower Colour : Creamish yellow
Description : Height: Upto 5 m
Stem: Green, phylloclade, fleshy, 3 faces or depression longitudinally on the stem
Leaves: Modified into spines, persistent
Flowers: Borne on ridges, central female, many stamens, ovary tricarpellary, style 3 and stigma bifid
Inflorescence: Cyathium
Fruits: Capsule
Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : TL
Distribution Range : Pakistan to Indo-China and Jawa.
Uses : Useful in trreating wounds, stomach ache, cutaneous infection, stomach ache, arthritis etc
Latex is used in boils in suppressing and healin quickly
Plant juice used in chest pain and constipation