Ficus amplissima Sm.

Scientific Name :
Ficus amplissima Sm.

Ficus indica Willd.
Ficus pseudotsiela Trimen

Common Name : Indian Bat Tree, Pipri, Pipar
Plant Family : Moraceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: November to January
Flower Colour :
: Height: Upto 25 m
Stem: Greenish, smooth, shining, white milky latex
Leaves: Alternate, coriaceous, ovate, acuminate
Flowers: Monoecious, perianth with ovate tepals
Inflorescence: Hypanthodium
Fruits: Syconus, purple or red when ripe

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : CH
Distribution Range : Maldives, India, Sri Lanka.
Uses : Bark yields strong fibres used in making ropes
Wood strong and durable used by farmers in making tools