Ficus racemosa L.

Scientific Name :
Ficus racemosa L.

Ficus acidula King
Ficus glomerata Roxb.

Common Name : Country fig, Dumar, Umbar
Plant Family : Moraceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: November to January
Flower Colour : Red
Description : Height: 10 to 15 m
Stem: Light colour bark, white milky juice, no aerial roots
Leaves: Ovate, caudate, coriaceous, 8 to 12 cm, petioles 5 to 12 cm, young leaves pinkish colour
Flowers: Monoecious flower
Inflorescence: Hypanthodium
Fruits: Syconus, false fruit, red, globose, 1 cm

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : HN, CH, JM, VT, TL
Distribution Range : native range is Pakistan to N. Queensland.
Uses : Unripe fruit is  useful in coughs, leucorrhoea and blood diseases treatment
Unripe fruit used in soup making and also pickled