Ficus virens Aiton

Scientific Name :
Ficus virens Aiton

Ficus glabella Blume
Ficus carolinensis Warb

Common Name : Spotted White Fig, Pakri, Bassari
Plant Family : Moraceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: October to December
Flower Colour :
: Height: 10 to 20 m
Stem: Grey and smooth, white milky juice with aerial roots
Leaves: Alternate, cuspidate apex, stipulate, elliptical, chordate at base, petioles 3 to 5 cm, young leaves reddish bronze colour
Flowers: Monecious flower
Inflorescence: Hypanthodium
Fruits: Syconus, false fruit, 1 cm, globose, white

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : HN
Distribution Range : Tropical & Subtropical Asia to Caroline Islands.
Uses : In coffee plantation used as shade tree.
A decoction obtained from the bark is used as an injection in curing leucorrhoea