Scientific Name :
Garuga pinnata Roxb.
Synonym :
Guaiacum abilo Blanco
Kunthia pinnata (Roxb.) Kuntze
Common Name : Garuga, Kharpat, Kakad
Plant Family : Burseraceae
Habit : Tree
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : January to August
Flower Colour : White
Description : Height: Upto 25 m
Stem: Rough, grey, thin bark peeling off in flakes
Leaves: Bipinnate, oblong, short pedicel, young leaves reddish colour, apex attenuate, imparipinnate, crowded at the stem apex
Flowers: Polygamous, calyx campanulate, petals 5,stamens 10, carpels 5, stigma5 lobed
Inflorescence: Racemose panicle
Fruits: Drupe, 1 to 3 cm, sour, fibrous, greenish yellow
Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : JM, VT
Distribution Range : India to China (E. Sichuan, S. & SE. Yunnan, SW. Guangxi) and Indo-China.
Uses :Leaf juice mixed with honey used in asthma.
Decoction prepared from root is useful in curing pulmonary infections