Scientific Name :
Jasminum multiflorum (Burm.f.) Andrews
Synonym :
Nyctanthes pubescens Retz.
Common Name : Downy jasmine, Balini, Kunda
Plant Family : Oleaceae
Habit : Shrub
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : February to Aril
Flower Colour : White
Description :
Stem: Scandent shrub, climber
Leaves: Simple, opposite, oval, acute or acuminate apex
Flowers: White, calyx teethed, corolla lobed and lanceolate, stamens 2, very fragrant folwer
Inflorescence: Cymose
Fruits: Berry, seeds black
Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : HN
Distribution Range : Indian Subcontinent to Indo-China.
Uses : The extracts are traditionally used in medicine as anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic, antioxidant, antiseptic and antiviral agent
Also useful in immunity enhancement