Scientific Name :
Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze

Marrubium indicum Blanco
Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit.

Common Name : Bush mint, Vilaiti tulsi, Bhustrena.
Plant Family : Lamiaceae
Habit : Shrub

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: October to March
Flower Colour : Purple
Description : Height: 1.5 m
Stem: Green, yellow, pubescent, branching pseudocereal
Leaves: Ovate, serrulate, wavy margins, rough and pubescent, strong fragrant, petioles 5 cm, opposite
Flowers: Calyx hairy joint toothed, persistent, campanulate, corolla 2 lipped, purple, 4 stamens
Inflorescence: Cymose
Fruits: Nutlets

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : HN
Distribution Range : Mexico to Tropical America.
Uses : It is used to treat stomach pain, hemorrhoids, cough, verminosis, ulcer, liver disease, fever, influenza, nasal congestion, and inflammation.