Moringa oleifera Lam …

Scientific Name :
Moringa oleifera Lam.

Synonym :
Moringa zeylanica Burmann
Guilandina moringa L.

Common Name : Drumstick Tree, Shevga
Plant Family : Moringaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: September to December
Flower Colour : White
Description : Height: Upto 10 m
Stem: Soft, white, brownish sap oozing out from injured part of the plant
Leaves: Tripinnate, alternate, 30 to 40 cm, pinnae 5 to 6 pairs, gland at leaf base, petiole pulvinous, leaflets 4 to 6 pairs, imparipinnate, ovate
Flowers: Calyx relexed, 5 petals, oblong, veined and  unequal, stamens 5, fertile stamens alternating staminodes 5 to 7, ovary hairy, flower white
Fruit : Capsules elongate, 9 ribbed slightly twisted, seeds winged, 3 angled.
Inflorescence: Panicles
Fruits: Capsule, long, upto 45 cm, ribbed, twisted, splitting from apex to base, seeds winged and 3 angled

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : HN, JM, VT
Distribution Range : NE. Pakistan to NW. India.
Uses : It is used in treating asthma, diabetes and obesity