Scientific Name :
Muntingia calabura L.

Muntingia glabra Spreng.
Muntingia rosea H.Karst.

Common Name : Jamaica Cherry, Paanchara.
Plant Family : Muntingiaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: April to October
Flower Colour : White
Description : Height: 3 to 5 m
Stem: Brown, branches horizontal, pubescent
Leaves: Alternate, lanceolate, ovate, serrate, oblique at base, dark above, pale green below, leaf apex attenuate or acuminate, petiole 1 to 2 cm
Flowers: Sepals 4 to 5, petals 5, petals clawed, stamens infinite and yellow, stigma 6 lobed
Inflorescence: Cymose solitary axillary
Fruits: Berry, fleshy many seeded, reddish pink when ripe

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : TL
Distribution Range : Mexico to S. Tropical America.
Uses : It maintains blood sugar level.
It is a reforestation tree that grows quickly