Scientific Name :
Murraya paniculata (L.) Jacq.
Synonym :
Connarus foetens Blanco
Murraya amoena Salisb.
Common Name : Orange Jasmine, Kamini, Kunti
Plant Family : Rutaceae
Habit : Tree
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : June to October
Flower Colour : White
Description : Height:3 to 8 m
Stem: Brown, smooth, extensively branched
Leaves: Rhomboid, elliptical, shining, alternate, apex acuminate or obtuse, aromatic
Flowers: Campanulate, white, sepals small green, petals 5, stamens 10, stigma capitate and yellow
Inflorescence: Corymbose cymes
Fruits: Berry, red at maturity, round tapering at tip
Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : VT, TL
Distribution Range : Tropical Asia to Vanuatu.
Uses : It is used to treat abdominal pain, diarrhoea, stomach ache, headache, edema, thrombosis, and blood stasis.
It is an ornamental tree