Neolamarckia cadamba …

Scientific Name :
Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser

Anthocephalus morindifolius Korth.
Nauclea cadamba Roxb.

Common Name : Kadam, Kadamb
Plant Family : Rubiaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: September to November
Flower Colour : Orange
Description : Height: Upto 45 m
Stem: Bark black, vertically deeply cracked
Leaves: Oblong, veins prominent running parallel, mucronate apex, shining, inter petiolar stipules
Flowers: Calyx and corolla tubular and both 5 lobed, orange, fragrant, style white, ovules many
Inflorescence: Globose heads
Fruits: Capsule, dehisce at maturity releasing hundreds of seeds

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : TL
Distribution Range : S. China to Tropical Asia.
Uses : Used for treating diabetes
It is used as crop