Scientific Name :
Phoenix dactylifera L.
Synonym :
Palma dactylifera (L.) Mill.
Phoenix excelsior Cav.
Common Name : Date palm, Khajur, Khajuri
Plant Family : Arecaceae
Habit : Tree
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : January to March
Flower Colour : Yellowish white
Description : Height: Upto 10 m
Stem: Single, erect, stout
Leaves: Lanceolate, linear, spinous at apex, tough, Leaves 6 metre long
Flowers: Flowers covered by spathe 20 to 30 cm, yellowish, rachis flattened
Inflorescence: Spadix
Fruits: Berry, single seeded, mesocarp fleshy, reddish brown when matured
Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : HN, JM, VT, TL
Distribution Range : Arabian Peninsula to S. Pakistan.
Uses : It is used in skin treatment
Also usesd as a source of food for men and humans