Plumeria rubra L.

Scientific Name :
Plumeria rubra L.

Plumeria mollis Kunth
Plumeria milleri G.Don

Common Name : Pagoda tree, Golenchi, Chafa
Plant Family : Apocynaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: November to July
Flower Colour : White, Pink
Description : Height: 5 to 8 m
Stem: Dark brown, shining, smooth, soft wood
Leaves: Lanceolate, elliptical, apex acuminate, 15 to 20 cm
Flowers: Calyx lobed and small, petals 5, corolla tube 2 cm, flowers white, rose pink yellow at centre 
Inflorescence: Umbel
Fruits: Follicles

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : HN
Distribution Range : Mexico to Venezuela.
Uses : Bark is used as a stimulant, Plumeria flowers are used to prevent rheumatism or uric acid for health, relieve high fever, launch urine, treat digestion, and cure constipation