Putranjiva roxburghi …

Scientific Name :
Putranjiva roxburghii Wall.

Nageia putranjiva Roxb. ex Lindl.
Drypetes roxburghii (Wall.) Hurus.

Common Name : Wild olive,  Putijia, Jivanputra, Patravanti.
Plant Family : Putranjivaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: March to April
Flower Colour : Greenish
Description : Height: Upto 20 m
Stem: Brown, tall, erect and  huge
Leaves: Elliptical, lanceolate, oblong, alternate, coriaceous, shining, stipulate, wavy, leathery, branches drooping
Flowers: Unisexuals, male flowers sessisle, tepals 3 to 5, anthers thick and hairy, female flowers solitary, tepals 5 to 6, ovary hairy, stigma crescent shaped, flowers greenish
Inflorescence: Cymose axillary
Fruits: Drupe, pubescent, 1 seeded

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : HN
Distribution Range : Tropical Asia.
Uses : It is used as antifungal, trypsin inhibitor, antipyretic and has antidiabetic attributes.
Wood used for house- building.