Santalum album L.

Scientific Name :
Santalum album L.

Santalum myrtifolium (L.) Roxb.
Santalum ovatum R.Br.

Common Name : Sandalwood, Chandan
Plant Family : Santalaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: March to October
Flower Colour : Brown
Description : Height: Upto 5 m
Stem: Grey, black, strong wood yellowish, scented, branches drooping
Leaves: Lanceolate, elliptical, shining, acute apex, petioles 1 cm
Flowers: Brown, corolla campanulate 4 lobed, stamens 4
Inflorescence: Cymose
Fruits: Drupe, 1 cm, purple black

Native/ Exotic : E
Locality : HN, CH,  JM, VT, TL
Distribution Range : Jawa to N. Australia.
Uses : Useful in treating various problems such as diabetes, nephrotic syndrome, uninary problems and blood sugar lowering.
From heartwood sandalwood oil is obtained.