Scientific Name :
Sapindus trifoliatus L.
Synonym :
Sapindus laurifolius Vahl.
Sapindus maduriensis Perr.
Common Name : South India Soapnut, Phenil, Phenil.
Plant Family : Sapindaceae
Habit : Tree
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : December to April
Flower Colour : White
Description : Height: Upto 15 m
Stem: Brown and rough
Leaves: Pinnate, alternate, leaflets 2 to 3 pairs, elliptical, lanceolate, ovate
Flowers: Male and female flowers present, flowers white and glandular
Inflorescence:Terminal panicled
Fruits: Drupe, 2 lobed, fleshy
Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : VT
Distribution Range : Indian Subcontinent to Myanmar.
Uses : The fruits are used to make soap and acting as natural detergent.
It is used as hair cleaner.