Searsia mysorensis ( …

Scientific Name :
Searsia mysorensis (G.Don) Moffett

Rhus mysorensis G.Don
Rhus indica Wight & Arn.

Common Name : Darsan, Amboni
Plant Family : Anacardiaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: November to January
Flower Colour : Green
Description : Height: Upto 5 m
Stem: Grey or white, smooth and spinous
Leaves: Trifoliate, obovate, leaf margin sinulate
Flowers: Sepals 5 persistent, petals 5, ovary monocarpellary, styles 3
Inflorescence: Raceme
Fruits: Drupes

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : CH, JM,VT
Distribution Range : S. Pakistan to India.
Uses : The leaves are used for treating dysentery
The branches makes good fencing,