Senegalia ferruginea …

Scientific Name :
Senegalia ferruginea (DC.) Pedley

Synonym :
Acacia ferruginea DC.
Mimosa ferruginea (DC.) Roxb.

Common Name : Rusty Acacia, Kaigar, Dhavi-khair.
Plant Family : Fabaceae – Mimosaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: February to April
Flower Colour : White
Description : Height:Upto 20 m
Stem: Grey, rough, bark cracked and  prickles curved
Leaves: Bipinnate, glands at the base of rachis, pinnae 4 to 6 pairs, leaflets sessile 20 to 30, linear, oblong, oblique at base
Flowers: Calyx campanulate, corolla lobbed, stamens infinite, style filiform, stigma small
Inflorescence: Spike
Fruits: Pods, flat, dark brown, veined, apex apiculate

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : JM
Distribution Range : India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar.
Uses : It is a good herbal treatment for curing oral ailments like cavities, plaque, infection in the gums and advanced bacterial growth.