Senegalia polyacanth …

Scientific Name :
Senegalia polyacantha (Willd.) Seigler & Ebinger

: Acacia polyacantha Willd.
Common Name : White Thorn.
Plant Family : Fabaceae – Mimosaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: March to June
Flower Colour : Whitish
Description : Height: Upto 15 m
Stem: White, prickly, papery peeling off shininy, large and erect
Leaves: Bipinnate, pinnae 3 to 20 pairs, leaflets 20 to 40 pairs, glands present on, pinnae glandular, leaflets oblong, linear, opposite, sessile, oblique at base
Flowers: Sepals 5 lobed and wooly, stamens infinite, whitish flowers
Inflorescence: Spike solitary or in pairs
Fruits: Pods, grey and woody

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : CH, VT
Distribution Range : Tropical & S. Africa, Indian Subcontinent.
Uses : The root extract is useful for snakebites
The root is also used for treating gonorrhea, dysentery, venereal diseases and gastrointestinal disorders.