Scientific Name :
Vitex trifolia L.
Synonym :
Vitex indica Mill.
Vitex integerrima Mill.
Common Name : Three-Leaved Chaste Tree, Sambhalu, Niguda
Plant Family : Lamiaceae
Habit : Shrub
Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting : March to September
Flower Colour : Purple
Description : Height: Upto 4 m
Stem: Grey, greenish, pubescent
Leaves: Oblong, ovate, obovate, emarginate or rounded to acute or acuminate at apex, pubescent beneath, 1 to 3 foliate
Flowers: Calyx campanulate 5 teeteth pubescent outerside, corolla purple, violet or blue and pubescent 5 lobed, corolla bilipped, stamens 4 and didynamous, stigma bilobed, flowers fragrant
Inflorescence: Terminal paniculate
Fruits: Drupes, black at maturity
Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : VT
Distribution Range : S. Somalia to Mozambique and Pacific.
Uses : Leaves are commonly used as poultice for rheumatic pains, inflammations and sprains.