Ziziphus xylopyrus ( …

Scientific Name :
Ziziphus xylopyrus (Retz.) Willd.

Ziziphus elliptica Roxb.
Rhamnus xylopyrus Retz.

Common Name : Katber, Gottai
Plant Family : Rhamnaceae
Habit : Tree

Plant Description
Flowering & Fruiting
: May to June
Flower Colour : Greenish yellow
Description : Height: Upto 8 m
Stem: Brown, rough, prickles curved
Leaves: Ovate, oblong, acuminate, rounded or emarginate apex, serrate margin
Flowers: Sepals 5, petals 5, stamens 5 alternating with petals, ovary tricarpellary, styles 3, stigma trifid, flowers green
Inflorescence: Axillary cymes
Fruits: Drupes, spherical, rough, 3 seeded

Native/ Exotic : N
Locality : VT,TL
Distribution Range : Indian Subcontinent.
Uses : It is used in treatment of diarrhoea, obesity and diabetes
It is used for food, fodder and medicine
In arid lands used as desertification control.